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#20220922 WEBINAR: [For Professionals] Disruptions & Dissolutions: Bringing the Taboo to the Light




County and agency workers use the code WN366TGP and watch for free!

(September 2022) Youth, adoptive parents, and workers are united when it comes to disruptions and dissolutions: we don’t want them to happen, and we also don’t want to talk about them. That silence neither prepares us for the logistical management of disruptions/dissolutions, nor protects us from or softens the pain and trauma they cause to everyone involved. This training intends to candidly and openly discuss some of the factors that can lead to both disruption and dissolution, how the trauma prior to these placements impacts entire family systems, and how the pain of the situation can inadvertently lead to anger/blame/guilt/shame being placed on one another in the situation. The presenters bring their years of experience in the field, including experiences working with youth and families through disruptions and dissolutions to this conversation. There are ways to make the difficult reality of disruptions and dissolutions more manageable for youth, adoptive parents, and workers, reducing some of the most painful emotional outcomes while keeping everybody united around permanency, commitment, and connection as the ultimate goal for youth and families. We can talk about this, we can plan for it, and we ALL can recover from it.

Aubrey Haddican, LICSW, graduated with an MSW from the University of Minnesota, and received her Bachelor’s at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, double majoring in Psychology and African-American Studies, and double minoring in Women’s Studies and LGBT Studies. She has previously worked for the North American Council on Adoptable Children, the 4th District Guardian ad Litem office, Ampersand Families, and is currently working as an outpatient therapist at Washburn Center for Children. At Ampersand Families, Aubrey worked as a recruiter for older youth in foster care seeking permanency, a licensor for relative and non-relative adoptive families, a certified NMT assessor, and later as a Program Director overseeing youth staff and programming. She worked to standardize processes and procedures, as well as provide high quality support and ongoing training for frontline staff managing both the routine and the unique, unpredictable, and traumatic components of the work. She has previously presented on permanency and child-specific recruitment for the U of M, decoding mental health systems and diagnoses for foster parents, and self- and agency-care in social services. Her ongoing career interests are child welfare, neuro-divergency, trauma, dissociation, and psychoanalytic work for both clients and professionals.

Amber Morrighan, MA, LMFT, has been working with children who have been adopted or are in the foster care setting, their families and caregivers for 20 years in a variety of settings including residential care (as both a direct care worker and therapist), outpatient therapy, boot camp, and as a clinical supervisor.  She is passionate about helping others heal from traumas and learn to develop healthy attachments to others in their lives.  She is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), rostered in Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), and certified in Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavior Therapy. As a Clinical supervisor at both a non-profit agency and privately she is deeply committed to training and teaching other therapists and professionals to assist children and their caregivers in healing the impacts of trauma at any age.  Amber brings the use of humor to presentations and invites others to be able to be light-hearted with difficult subjects.

Watch time: 115 minutes

Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 120 minutes

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