Services for Preventing and Supporting Children Experiencing Crisis
(October 2022) Services for Preventing and Supporting Children Experiencing Crisis
This workshop will present information on waiver and other Minnesota Health Care Program services for children. Services will be presented so participants will understand which are proactive services and which are crisis management services. Proactive services are designed to improve the child’s quality of life and prevent crisis situations and institutionalization. Crisis management services are designed to stabilize the child experiencing crisis. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions and engage with the presenters.
Please join the following DHS staff for this presentation:
Corrie Vollmer, LSW
Disability Services Division-DHS, Regional Resource Specialist
Ashley Solsrud-Beckman, MPA
Child Safety & Permanency Division, Child Foster Care Well-Being Program Representative
Mary Piggott, Ph.D.
DHS Disability Services Division, Person Centered Positive Supports Specialist
Amber Maki MS, BCBA
DHS Disability Services Division Community Capacity and Positive Supports Team Lead
Nicole Berning M.S., BCBA
Autism Clinical Lead Disability Services
Watch time: 88 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 90 minutes