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Minnesota Adoption Resource Network (MARN) Awarded Another State Contract to Provide Specific Post-Adoption Support Services

Through its strong track record of providing beneficial programming, MARN entered into another contract with the Minnesota Department of Human Services to provide specific post-adoption services. This contract, which was known as the MN ADOPT contract, included maintaining the State Adoption Exchange as well as the exciting task of creating an educational program which provides specific adoption-focused training opportunities to the Minnesota adoption and foster care community.

The addition of this new educational program was the first opportunity MARN staff had to offer the community at large a variety of workshops and conferences focused on topics such as Trauma, Attachment, Grief & Loss, Fetal Alcohol Exposure, Transracial Adoption Considerations….etc. Currently the MN ADOPT Educational Program is a Minnesota leader in providing the adoption, foster and kinship community access to quality, pertinent educational offerings.


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