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#20220608 WEBINAR: Fostering Grief Support: Helping and Healing


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(June 2022) Experiencing grief and loss is common within the foster care community – often unspoken, but felt by all. This workshop will discuss the grief and loss experienced by children in out-of-home placement, the grief and loss experienced by their family, and the grief and loss of their caregiver (foster or kinship provider). Often times the grief experienced is disenfranchised grief; the type of grief that is not acknowledged and may not receive attention and support. This workshop will address the variety of grief experienced in foster care and what can be done to support people who are grieving – including you.

Marc Markell teaches at St. Cloud State University in the Department of Special Education. He also teaches at Worsham College of Mortuary Science. In addition, Marc teaches an online class for a university in Korea. He is a certified Thanatologist through the Association of Death Educators and counseling and certified in Death and Grief Studies from Colorado State University through the Center for Loss and Life Transition. Marc has published three books on grief, book chapters, and numerous articles.

Kathryn Markell has a Ph.D. in Psychology from Loyola University-Chicago.  She presently teaching in the psychology department of Anoka-Ramsey Community College, where she teaches Death and Dying, and Child and Adolescent Development classes, in addition to many other courses.  She is the co-author of the book:
The Children Who Lived: Using Harry Potter and Other Fictional Characters to Help Grieving Children and Adolescents.

Watch time: 85 minutes

Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 90 minutes

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83 minutes

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