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Navigating Virtual Playground



(February 20, 2018) Navigating Virtual Playground
Cyberbullying + Texting + Screen Time + Toxic images/Sexting = Yikes! As technology grows and adapts, children are growing and adapting right along with it. The online highway can have some steep learning curves, for students and for parents. Youth can find themselves in over their heads as technology choices move faster than their developmental abilities. Technology isn’t a bad thing, but young people need help in navigating these tools so that their empathy and sense of self can also grow and develop. This presentation details the risks students are facing and practical, positive ways that adults can respond.

Alison Feigh, M.S. has been working in the sexual abuse prevention field for more than 18 years. She trains nationally on a variety of topics around abuse, abduction, and online exploitation. Ms. Feigh firmly believes that personal safety messages can be positive, empowering, and accessible.  Ms. Feigh serves as the Director of the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center, a program of Zero Abuse Project. She has worked with families of missing children and adults since 2000. She holds a self-designed undergraduate degree in “Responding to Missing Children in the US” and Communication from St. Olaf College and a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from St. Cloud State University.

Watch time: 85 minutes

Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 90 minutes

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