Amanda Sargent, MS, LPCC
HOME > Therapist Search > Amanda Sargent, MS, LPCC
Amanda Sargent practices out of Rochester, MN. She graduated with her Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling degree from Viterbo University in 2019. Amanda specializes in attachment and developmental concerns, offering individual/family therapy options for children ages 2-7 years old. In addition, Amanda also offers psychoeducation outreach services including professional trainings on Early Childhood Mental Health and the Effects of Trauma on the Developing Brain to professionals within the legal and child protection systems. Because of her role as a level 4 service intensity clinician, Amanda has valuable experience navigating challenging emotions and behaviors from young children as they adjust to changes in their world. Amanda primarily utilizes interventions from Theraplay, Conscious Discipline, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Circle of Security to address presenting concerns, however; Amanda is diligent in ensuring treatment plans are specifically tailored to the client’s current needs. Amanda is currently completing ABC Interventions training to better help her clients respond to their children’s cues and develop nurturing, delightful relationships. She intends to continue development in early childhood mental health realm, including completing certification in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Child-Parent Psychotherapy, among other interests.
Rochester, MN 55904
Phone: (507) 405-0566
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
Attachment Bio-Behavioral Catch-Up (ABC)
Circle of Security
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
Crisis Intervention Training
DC 0-5
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Experiential Play Therapy
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Parent-Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT)
Parental Assessment
Psychological Testing
Sand Tray or Sand Play
Intermediate Spanish
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Childhood Depression
Divorce / Co Parenting
Early Traumatic Experiences
Educational Consulting (IEP/504 Assistance)
Intellectual Disabilities
Mood Disorder
Parent Coaching
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
Systems of Care Navigation
Adult (Ad. Parent - Individual)
Birth/First Parent/Family Work
Elementary Age (7-12)
Family Work
Infant (0-2)
Teen (13-18)
Young Adult (19-25)
Young Child (3-6)
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