SAE Best Practice Post-Test Survey Today's Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Name* First Last Email* Agency:*1. A child is required to be registered on the SAE within how many days of the date they were legally free for adoption.* 30 days 45 days 90 days 120 days 2. Under what circumstance(s) can a youth be EXEMPT from being registered on the SAE.* A youth is in their pre-adoptive home and an APA has been signed. There are relative placement options for the youth. A youth does not want to be adopted. All of the above. None of the above. 3. Siblings can be registered separately on the SAE in the following situation(s).* When a worker has determined it is in the best interest of the siblings When there are potential adoptive placements for the youth separately When the youth are currently in separate placements When a therapist or other professional has determined it is in the best interest of the siblings When there is a court ordered sibling separation 4. All narrative information on an SAE profile (public narrative, private narrative, confidential information) can be shared with families with active and approved home studies?*TrueFalse5. Public Narrative information should include: (select the 2 that apply)* Strength based information Specific identifying information Needs and positive attributes of the youth Likes, hobbies, and interests of youth 6. Private Narrative information should include: (select the 3 that apply)* Strength based information Appointment, therapy, and treatment needs of the youth Placement history of youth Characteristics of family and home needed for youth Strengths, skills, trainings, and experiences caregivers need in order to care for youth 7. How can Private Narrative information can be communicated with active, home studied families when the family wants to move forward with a match?* Workers share their SAE login and password Through encrypted email Verbally Never 8. When can Confidential Information be shared?* When a family with an active home study inquires about a youth. When a family worker determines a family and youth would be a good match. When the child’s agency has received a copy of a family’s home study and has determined the family is a potential match. Anytime a worker with SAE access has determined it is appropriate. Never 9. After a worker reads Confidential Information, workers can tell families they may or may not be a good match (without sharing specific information)?*TrueFalse10. Any LGBTQ+ identifying information must be discussed with and approved by youth prior to it being written in a public, private, or confidential narrative.*TrueFalseCAPTCHA Δ