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#20240313_1 WEBINAR: [Spring Summit] [Part 1] The Intersection of Transracial Adoption & Racial (in)Justice




(March 2024) [Spring Summit] [Part 1] The Intersection of Transracial Adoption & Racial (in)Justice

This 3-part workshop is designed for adoption agencies (staff and families), child-welfare organizations and conferences.

Transracial caregiving is a multifaceted journey for the entire family, but it is often the child who bears the brunt of navigating the complexity of the experience. It is critical that caregivers and parents understand the history of why children of color are over-represented in child-welfare in order to avoid perpetuating racism and to instead embrace an anti-racist outlook to support the health and wellbeing of transracial adoptees and/or transracial foster youth.  This workshop will provide a window into the nuanced first-hand narratives of adoptees through videos, anonymized case studies and Angela’s personal stories. This interactive workshop will leave you thinking about the role transracial adoption plays in our quest for racial justice in America.

-History of race in child-welfare within the United States (Laws & Definitions)
-American Racial Norms & Implicit Biases
-Transracial adoptee identity

Watch time: 105 minutes

Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 105 minutes

This webinar recording will expire on July 31, 2024

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