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#20221102_5B WEBINAR: Fall Forum Option 5B: Ripple Effects




(November 2022) What does it mean to be a foster parent? Am I cut out for the job? How can I help these vulnerable children? As a foster parent, you may be asking yourself these questions. You may not see it initially, but you may be the one adult who changes the course of a child’s life. You are creating Ripple Effects. While foster parenting can be a hard and thankless job, it can also be rewarding. In this webinar, you will learn what it truly means to foster children from hard places, giving them what they are currently not receiving. You will learn skills and receive tools to best model a healthy parent child relationship. What you do MATTERS. In this webinar, Breanna will give you tools to aid your child to overcome and understand their trauma in order to gain their voice back. Connection is key. When you understand the WHY behind a child’s behavior, healing can begin.

Breanna Gronli, MSW, LGSW works with Sojourn Counseling Group. As a trauma certified private practice clinician, Breanna believes in the power of healing. Breanna’s unique perspective comes from her experience of being adopted at the age of 10 from the foster care system after a difficult childhood. Breanna draws from her own traumatic childhood experiences to help others heal. She has all ten aces but never let this stop her from healing. She is currently working towards certification in TF CBT with extensive training in Trust Based Relational Interventions, a trauma modality created by Karen Purvis and colleagues. Before attending graduate school, Breanna worked for 7 years in the social work field in various capacities. She was a rule 25 assessor for chemically addicted individuals, child protection specialist, forensic investigator (Corner House trained), foster care/adoption licensor, and Guardian ad litem for both children’s and family court. As a clinician, she works alongside foster families, adopted families, and parents with children experiencing symptoms of trauma, believing it only takes one caring adult in a child’s life to make a difference.

Watch time: 76 minutes

Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 75 minutes

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