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1178d – Webinar – Eyes Wide Open: How Looking into Our Own Hearts Helps Heal the Wounds of Others




(May 2018)  Join Paul Buckley in this ambitious workshop that will help you respond more skillfully to the wounds of traumatized children – and along the way, gain insight into yourself! You’ll take a compassionate peek into the heart of a developing child. Here you’ll find two distinct motivation systems to respond to life challenges: Exploration & Protection. The Explore System stimulates curiosity, action, and activity.  Think “Dora the Explorer” of cartoon land; always ready with backpack, map,and compass. The “Dora” lens compels children to play, learn in school, and form friendships; fostering skill and achievement.  The Protection System nurtures relief, calming, and comfort. Think Linus of Peanuts fame, with his thumb sucking and blanket in tow. This “Linus” lens draws children into the arms of trusted caregivers in order to dissolve fear and sadness.  Please join us to discuss how and why most caregivers have blurred vision through the “Linus” lens; therefore becoming impatient or clumsy when dealing with sadness and fear. Let’s share ideas and strategies about seeing more clearly, becoming more intentional, and viewing the world with both eyes wide open.

Paul Buckley, LMFT has been in private practice since 1999, helping at-risk children and the thoughtful adults who care for them. He incorporates concepts of attachment and narrative theory into an emotionally warm and playful manner to help clients deepen relationships and solve problems. Areas of expertise overlap between family therapy (traditional, GLBTQ, adoptive, and foster families), individual/marital therapy, and situations that involve substance abuse. As a regional trainer and national speaker on topics of anger in the family and marital preservation, he conveys pragmatic information with an entertaining style.

Watch time: 83 minutes

Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 90 minutes

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