Nicole Rohrer, MA, LPCC, RPT
HOME > Therapist Search > Nicole Rohrer, MA, LPCC, RPT
Nicole Rohrer is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Registered Play Therapist. She currently works for Beginnings and Beyond/Play Therapy Minnesota in Edina, MN. Nicole graduated with her Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Bethel University in 2017. In 2020 she completed requirements to be a licensed professional clinical counselor in Minnesota and the requirements to become a Registered Play Therapist. Nicole specializes in attachment and trauma, offering individual/family therapy options for children ages 0-7 years old. Nicole is also certified as a parent coach for Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up, for children 6 months-24 months and their caregivers ( This model works to increase nurturing, delightful relationships with caregivers and their children. Nicole is also pursuing a certificate in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health from the University of Minnesota. Nicole primarily utilizes interventions from Experiential Play Therapy, Theraplay, and Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Nicole has a history of working with children in-home, school, and clinic settings as well as conducting DC: 0-5 assessments.

Edina, MN 55436
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5666 Lincoln Dr, Ste 210
Edina, MN 55436
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Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Medical Assistance
Optum Health
Preferred One
United Healthcare
Adult Attachment Inventory
Attachment Bio-Behavioral Catch-Up (ABC)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
DC 0-5
Experiential Play Therapy
Sand Tray or Sand Play
Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF CBT)
Childhood Depression
Divorce / Co Parenting
Early Traumatic Experiences
Mood Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Systems of Care Navigation
Birth/First Parent/Family Work
Family Work
Infant (0-2)
Young Child (3-6)
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