#20190815 – WEBINAR: Beyond Bubble Baths and Yoga: Self- Care for Parents
(August 2019) Self-Care? When do I have time for bubble baths and Yoga class? That is just one more stress to juggle. In this interactive workshop, we explore the stresses we juggle in our lives, and the strengths that we use to manage those difficulties. Using the Juggler and other assessment tools, we will explore strategies to manage stress and develop an action to manage them in a way that is supportive and unique to each of us.
Lisa Krause, M.A. is a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) and Parenting Coach and adjunct professor at Concordia University where she teaches family science and parent coaching.
Lisa enjoys finding creative ways to bring family life education to today’s busy parents using technology and other innovative formats. As an adoptive parent Lisa recognized the need for shame, no blame parenting support. This led Lisa to complete her master’s degree in Family Life Education to become a certified family life educator, and certified parent coach. Lisa has co-authored three free online courses for parents, teaches parenting education classes, public speaking on parenting and Trauma informed Care.
Lisa is a treasurer of the Family Life Coaching Association, in on the board of the National Parent Education Network (NPEN), and is a member of the National Council on Family Relations, MN Council of Family Relations.
Watch time: 90 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 90 minutes