The Power of Words – What to Say to Your Adopted Teen and Why….
(June 2019) The Power of Words – What to Say to Your Adopted Teen and Why….
As caretakers, parents and clinicians, the words we choose with adopted teens can make or break a conversation. In working with adopted teens and families for twenty years and a lifetime as a Korean-born international transracial adoptee, Katie has experienced firsthand what is effective in talking with adoptive teens. She will discuss how reassurance can backfire, when it’s better not to say “I love you,” and what they really need from their adoptive parents to stay connected for the long haul and to feel equipped and optimistic about their future.
Katie Naftzger, LICSW is the author of “Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years. Katie has written for Adoptive Families magazine, Adoption Today. Katie has been a speaker at NASW-MA, A Home Within, Korean-American Adoptee Network and Wide Horizons and Connecticut Council on Adoption. She was a guest on Asian Focus and has been interviewed on several podcasts including Creating a Family and Adoptees On. Katie maintains a private psychotherapy practice in Newton, MA. Her experiences as a Korean-born international transracial adoptee, inform and enrich her work with adoptive families.
Katie offers local and online learning opportunities for adoptive parents. Learn more and join her mailing list at
Watch time: 92 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 90 minutes